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GoaProductions厂牌首次制作的专辑“Kui 夔”已经正式发行了!
  “Kui 夔”与GoaProductions全力联合出击,与来自世界各地的声音艺术家们一起,
  带领你体验这最极致的盛世,将最棒的音乐引入我们派对。在这张专辑里面Lucas, Ecliptic, Martian Arts, Solar Spectrum, Aphid Moon,还有 Braincell 他们都做了非常好的音乐,让我们的首张专辑变成一个经典。
  当然,专辑还收录了GoaProductions团队成员Atoned Splendor 制作的音乐。
  希望大家能尽情享受“Kui 夔”,带领你们进入这8个mini-bite音频轨道,体验这次伟大的旅程。也期待你们会出现在我们的派对,利用“Kui 夔”的能量,并抓住它的翅膀,直冲舞池!!!
  GoaProductions first compilation “Kui 夔” is finally here!
  Named after the mystical Chinese dragon that created music, Kui was the ultim ate master of rhythm with one foot that never went out of time or skipped a beat. For centuries Kui was in the service of emperors and mystics but now his powers have been summoned by GoaProductions to unleash the ultimate sonic experience. Kui’s beats snake like a dragon and pounce like a tiger.
  Working with Kui and GoaProductions to bring you this extravaganza in sound are some of our favorite artists from around the world, whose music regularly features at our parties. Lucas, Ecliptic, Martian Arts, Solar Spectrum, Aphid Moon, and Braincell have all pulled out some bangers to make this a really special debut comp. Also featuring on the comp is GoaProductions very own homegrown Atoned Splendor.
  We hope you enjoy Kui and it allows you in some way to achieve an 8 track mini-bite experience of the journey you could expect to go on at one of our parties. Tap into Kui’s energy grab on to his wings and hold onto the dance-floor!

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